Yvon Rozijn's Home Page

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About Me

I'm Yvon Rozijn, a years old IT-specialist. I've done about everything from programming to functional application design and database desing and maintenance, mostly free-lance.
Nowadays I spend my time developing and marketing my own software.


RRRummy is an addictive computer tile game I wrote. You play your tiles on the table in groups of three or more, and you win when you play all your tiles before your opponents do. With RRRummy, you can try and beat the computer players, or you can play online with your friends.

For more information, downloads, order, etc. see www.rrrummy.com.


AWeb is the name of a web browser that I have written for the Amiga type of computer.
I regret that I had to stop support and development of this browser.

It is now available as public domain. For more information, see the AWeb page


Every now and then I take a holiday to some distant country. I've been in places like India and Pakistan, Central Asia, Southern Africa, Madagascar, Peru and Ecuador.

In the virtual photo book you can see pictures that I made on several of these trips.

Contact me

If you want to leave me a reaction, you can e-mail me at


My sister and I are busy finding out our ancestors.
Have a look at the overview of our genealogy.